Tag Archives: Asia

White People Problems: Asia Edition

Some of my reoccurring problems while living in Taiwan seem to be…


It probably doesn’t help that I trip over my own feet.

Size problems

Being tall, everything seems just a bit too small.

What people think Texas is like: 

Attempting to understand Chinese: 


Personal Space? 

When I See Other White People: 

Hey!!!! Be my best friend???

Requests for Pictures With Kids: 


Language Differences: 


So killer’s can’t litter?

Attempting to cross the road in this: 

And finally…

No Netflix means no one to discuss the latest Orange Is The New Black with: 




Duck, Duck, Goose

It would appear that I have an unlikely neighbor. Living in the group of houses on my block is a friendly pet goose. After getting out of work in the evenings I often see this guy walking around in the parking lot with his owner.

His owner has informed us that the goose walks down the stairs but he can’t get back up them so she accompanies him on his daily excursions. Apparently he doesn’t make good use of his wings either. We imagine that he lives in the bathtub swimming around all day. And Uma, the woman I work with, used to be afraid of geese because of their big beaks. However, she’s changed her mind and thinks they’re a rather cute pet.